How to Make Paste Paper Using
GILDERS® paste wax

GILDERS® paste wax is great for use on a variety of surfaces: metals, wood, ceramics, resins, etc. But that information is commonplace. Today, we’re interested in using GILDERS® paste wax on paper, and creating ornate sheets of paper to be used in conjunction with other art projects—or as the entire project itself.

Supplies You’ll Need:

Water bucket –
2 (two) is best, as you’ll use 1 (one) for soaking the paper, and 1 (one) for rinsing your sponge

Sponge –
any 2 (two) regular, disposable sponges from your local convenience store will do just fine

Credit /debit card or other thin, fairly rigid material –
nothing fancy, since you’ll be cutting this into patterns /pieces

GILDERS® paste wax 
colors of your choosing

Some variation of paint thinner –
be careful not to use oil-based cleaners or solvents, because the oil content won’t allow the GILDERS® Paste to dry for days or weeks

Paper –
thicker than normal printer paper, and more abrasive so the Paste sticks

Cleaning materials –
this process is messy

Any items to aid in design –
this is your art project, so get creative with your materials!


It’s wise to lay down protective materials on the surface you’ll be completing this project on. This project is messy and may require substantial cleanup even with proactive mess-control measures. You can use a drop cloth, plastic sheeting, or even newspaper (if you’re going to put a non-absorbent surface over the newspaper).

Cut your credit / debit / rewards card into the pattern you desire. Most often, this will resemble a wonky comb no lady would ever use in her hair. This tool will aid in your design when you get to that step.

Add paint thinner to your Paste until it’s your desired consistency. Be careful in this process; you can always add more, but can’t take it out.

Gather all your materials for the project and have them in close proximity to the surface you plan to work on. Arrange them so you’re able to move through the steps swiftly and avoid mishaps (such as dunking your clean sponge in your dirty water bucket).

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Paste Paper

1.    Put your paper on a flat surface.
2.    Wet your sponge, but not to the point of oversaturation.
3.    Use the sponge to wet your paper. Avoid leaving the paper soaking wet with puddles on it.
4.    Turn your paper over, and repeat step 3.
5.    Lay your wet paper on your flat surface, and smooth out all the bubbles you can find. This will help your paper stick to the surface, rendering you able to apply your GILDERS® paste wax without the paper sliding around.
6.    Apply your thinned GILDERS® paste wax to the surface of your paper however you want: dollops, streaks, blobs, etc.
7.    Use your “dirty” sponge to spread the GILDERS® paste wax across the paper, covering the whole page.
8.    Once you’ve applied your GILDERS® paste wax in whatever amounts, consistency, and blends you want, you can start with your designs. Use your modified card to make your designs on the paper, displacing the Paste wherever you desire.
9.    When you’re done with your design, place your newly created Paste Paper in a safe place to dry, allowing at least 12 hours before touching the paper again.

Insert Creativity into Your Paste Paper Project

Now that you’re comfortable with making Paste Paper, you can start adding your own bits of flair. You can take the covering from a floor drain, and put it under the paper before going over it with your GILDERS® Paste Wax . This will leave the pattern of the drain covering like an impression.

Try other materials under the paper, or try covering or folding parts of the paper to create new patterns on your Paste Paper. There’s no end to what you can do with your creativity. Salt yields a cool effect as well.

If you come up with something new or special, please, send it to us. We’ll gladly share your technique, and always give attribution where attribution is due.