Painting with GILDERS® PASTE WAX Made Easy

GILDERS® paste wax is a wax medium, but can be changed to different consistencies simply by adding a few drops of paint thinner or turpentine. When thinned out using this method, GILDERS® paste wax makes an excellent medium to paint filigree, stampings, wood, beads, and other clay or metal materials. Follow the simple steps below to create your own GILDERS® paste paint:

  1. Scoop out a small amount of GILDERS® paste wax into a paint tray.
  2. Pour a few drops of paint thinner or turpentine into another paint tray compartment (a small amount of GILDERS® paste wax goes a long way!).
  3. Dip the edge of your paint brush into the turpentine or thinner and begin working into the GILDERS®paste wax , gradually working in more amounts of paste to reach the desired painting consistency.
  4. And paint!

One of the great aspects of GILDERS® paste wax is there’s a lot of room for creativity and variations. Create unique custom colors by blending different combinations of GILDERS® paste wax pigments together. Add a beautiful sheen and color diversity by buffing with a paper towel. Paint over textured materials to accentuate highlights and shadows.

The possibilities are endless! Don’t believe us? Check out reviews of GILDERS® paste wax, then unlock inner creativity by experiencing them for yourself.